Thursday, September 11, 2008


As I'm sure most of you are aware today is the 7yr anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. This is a special day for me, not because I knew someone who was involved in the attacks but because this was a day that forever altered my life. Like everyone else I remember exactly where I was and what I was doing when the attacks happened. I remember being glued to the TV in awe and disbelief watching that days events unfold. That evening while Adam and I were watching the news coverage of the attacks, hoping the death toll wouldn't be as high as they were predicting, a conversation started that would eventually change my life forever. From the day I met him Adam had always talked of joining the military, however because we were both complacent with our lives at the time it was usually just talk. This day was different. There was something new and different in his voice as he talked about wanting to join. Adam had a new found purpose for joining, and I had a new one for wanting him to. The conversation continued off and on for several months. There would be lulls when neither of us would bring the subject up, but eventually all conversations would come back to the Army. Finally in the fall of 2002 Adam went to see a recruiter. He came home very enthusiastic about the idea so the following day I went with him back to the recruiter to ask a few questions. The next month Adam was at the Meps in Memphis getting his physical, taking the ASVAB and signing his enlistment papers. It was official and he had 2 months before he left for Basic Training. In January 2003 Adam left for 6 months of Basic Training and AIT. That August he finished training and we moved to Fort Drum, NY. This was our first (and only) duty station. When we arrived the units had already deployed to Afghanistan so he was supposed to stay behind with the rear detachment. This plan lasted for about 3 weeks and then we were notified that he would be joining his unit after all and would be leaving in 2 weeks. On October 4, 2003 Adam left on his first deployment. Now 5yrs later we are preparing for deployment #3. A lot has happened in the past 5yrs some of it planned, but most of it not. Looking back now though I can't imagine my life any other way. As frustrated as I get with the Army I know that my husband is doing what he loves and what he is good at. I can't tell you if he's going to stay in until retirement, but no matter what I know that he has served his country well and I couldn't be prouder of him. He is my hero along with every other man and woman that has served in uniform. While this is a day we use to remember those who lost their lives in the attacks of that horrible day I ask you to also remember those who have since lost their lives serving this country and those who continue to put their lives on the line daily. Whether or not you agree with the wars or the state of our government please remember those who have chosen to defend and protect.