May was a crazy month for us. The week or so was fairly normal. I was busy trying to get things ready for Andrew's birthday party plus doing school work along with all of the normal daily stuff. Mother's Day was good, but kind of bittersweet. As many of you know my Grandma (Mom's mother) has not been doing well for quite some time now. The Thursday before Mother's Day my mom was called by the nursing home because they did not think she would make it through the day. She ended up passing away on Saturday night. Fortunately two of my mom's 3 sisters were able to make it before she passed so they were all there around her bed when the time came. While we are obviously very sad and miss her greatly she is in a much better place now and no longer in pain. Thanks to my father, Andrew and I were able to fly down to AR for the services and spend 2 weeks with my family. Of course because of this Andrew's birthday party here in NY had to be postponed but we managed to make up for that in AR.
Andrew snuggling in the chair with his cousin Caryn
Caryn, me and Cate (my cousins on Mom's side)
Once we were back in AR my dad's family was sweet enough to help me throw a last minute birthday party for Andrew at my Grandmother's house. I really appreciated everyone taking the time out of their Saturday to come and help celebrate with us. Especially since they all had about a 1 day notice. I wish we lived closer to my family, but unfortunately the Army doesn't seem to want us to leave NY. Maybe one of these days :-)
On the Saturday before we left my father offered to walk Andrew around the mall while mom and I shopped for maternity clothes. I don't think I could ever tell him how much I appreciated that. Andrew loves hanging out with his Pawpaw. After the mall my parents went above and beyond the call of duty by willingly going with us to Chucky Cheese. It was Andrew's first trip, but despite never having set foot in one before he knew exactly where we were. Thank you television commercials. Despite being totally surrounded by way too many children (some of whom were NOT supervised what so ever) everyone seemed to have a good time.
He did really well considering he's 5 and has never played before. I have no idea who the girl next to him is :-)
Well that was our crazy hectic month of May. It was great going to AR for a few weeks despite the circumstances. Sadly it's going to be a while before we make it back down. I am going to attempt to have Andrew's NY birthday party this weekend. They are calling for rain and I'm not even sure if anyone will be able to come, but we are having it no matter what. I'll post pictures of that when I can.
A quick update on me and Adam. Adam seems to be doing well. We spoke to him on Sunday and he seemed fine. His battalion has lost some guys, but so far none from Adam's specific company. Right now we're just waiting to see what's going to happen with this little girl. It's going to take a HUGE stroke of luck for him to be here when I deliver, but we're doing what we can to make that happen. As for me I'm doing ok. I had my glucose test last week and so far no word on the results so I can only assume that means I passed. I am measuring a little bigger than I should so they are sending me to get another ultrasound tomorrow to check her weight and make sure everything is ok. Other than that we're just hanging out and trying to find things to do this summer. I'll update soon on the party and my ultrasound results
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