Yesterday Ava turned 6 months old. Where has all the time gone?!?! Seems like just the other day she was this tiny little baby. Her personality is really starting to show these days. So far she seems to be a fairly laid back kid, which I am so excited about. She is so sweet and will smile at anyone if they give her attention. Ava finally decided it was time to roll from her back to her tummy. She's been doing tummy to back for a while now but never would put forth the effort to roll back over again. She is slowly making progress at sitting on her own. She can do it for a second or two before toppling over. I'm sure it won't be long now and she'll have it mastered. We went to the Dr yesterday and she weighs 16lbs 10oz and is 27 1/4 in long. She has just about outgrown her baby carrier car seat, but we are going to continue to use it until after we move to Kansas (if possible). Here are a few pictures I took in honor of her 6 month birthday. Can't believe my girl is getting so big!
From surgery to school- the past 6 months
13 years ago