Wow it's odd typing 2010! There isn't much to report on with us at the moment. Adam is back at work and trying to get all of the paper work and what not together for us to move in a few months. We've had lots of people look at the house but so far no offers. The couple that came by yesterday really liked it and we are one of their top 2 so maybe they will put an offer in soon. We are getting close to crunch time and I am getting a little nervous about the house selling before we leave. In the mean time we will work on getting things packed up and ready for when it is time to leave.
Everyone seems to be settling in just fine now that Adam is home. In many ways it's like he never left. Granted we do have moments where he doesn't know or remember what to do or where things go, but I think part of that is just being a man :-)
Andrew and Ava are just fine. Andrew still loves school although he does have a few behavior issues we are working on. Ava is an over all happy baby and rarely gets upset, which is amazing for me. Below are a few random pictures from the past few weeks. Hope you enjoy!